Extend Your Berries Life With This Washing Method

Extend Berries Life With This Washing Method

Extend Your Berries Life With This Washing Method

Have you ever bought a batch of berries only for them to go moldy or yucky in a day or two?
You end up throwing them away soon after they are purchased wasting your money. Well here is your solution.

Washing berries in a mixture of vinegar and water kills any bacteria extending their life and preventing them from going moldy so quickly.

Wash berries in 1 cup of vinegar with 3 cups of water.

Completely dry. Try a salad spinner lined with paper towels or lie flat on a towel to dry.

Store in a seal-able container lined with paper towels, leave the lid open a crack to allow for air flow.

This can extended your berries life by days and sometimes even more then a week!

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