Homemade Disinfecting Wipes, DIY Lysol Wipes

Homemade Disinfecting Wipes, DIY Lysol Wipes

I have been making my own disinfecting wipes for some time now as I like to know what goes into my cleaning products. I also love to pick my own scents and make them as I need them.
These DIY disinfecting wipes can replace Clorox wipes or Lysol wipes. Below is the homemade disinfecting wipes recipe that I use.

What you will need to make your own disinfectant wipes:
30 pieces of thick paper towel or thick napkins
3 cups Isopropyl Alcohol 91-99%
3/4 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide
15 drops lemon essential oil

Other great essential oils to use for your DIY Lysol Wipes are:
These essential oils all have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which are perfect for making your own homemade disinfecting wipes.
Pick your favourite scent from the list above.

Directions to make Homemade Disinfecting Wipes, DIY Lysol Wipes:
If you are using paper towels fold them in half like above.
Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl or pour-able container.
Place your paper towels or napkins in a separate seal-able container, one that they can be stored in.
Pour you homemade disinfectant mixture over the paper towels or napkins.
Turn your towels and mixture over and side to side, to be sure all the paper has been soaked.Enjoy this Homemade Disinfecting Wipes, DIY Lysol Wipes Recipe and be sure to Share to Save it!
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