Homemade Alkaline Cleansing Green Smoothie Recipe

Homemade Alkaline Cleansing Green Smoothie Recipe

This cleansing alkaline smoothie is great for detox, clearing the skin and alkalizing the body and blood.
It serves as an anti-bacterial is anti-aging and works great as a parasite cleanse when used daily.
It may also help aid weight loss and in liver healing.

Alkaline Cleansing Green Smoothie Recipe:
1 piece of celery
1/2 cup of cilantro
1/2 cup of parsley
1/2 cup of spinach
1/4 of a cucumber
small section of ginger
1/2 of a lemon, peeled
2 cups of water or coconut water

Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
Enjoy your Alkaline Cleansing Green Smoothie and Share with friends!

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